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3 things you should do and 6 you shouldn’t do after Botox injections



Here is a short guide of the do’s and don’ts after having Botox.

The do’s

  • Frown repeatedly for about one hour immediately following the treatment. This will help the treatment to be more effective by increasing the uptake by the targeted muscle groups, then after this time try to avoid extreme facial expressions for the next 12 hours
  • Keep upright for the first 4 hours
  • You can gently apply light make-up after treatment but use a light dabbing motion instead of a rubbing or spreading motion

The don’ts

  • Do not rub or massage the treated area and avoid make-up if possible.
  • Avoid sleeping on your face the first night
  • Do not exercise or partake in any strenuous activity for the next 12 hrs
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption for the next 24hrs
  • Do not have any beauty treatments on your face e.g. facials, facial massage for 2 weeks- this may cause the injected solution to spread to nearby muscles.
  • Avoid exposure to strong sunlight, very cold temperatures and saunas for the next 2 weeks

Side effects of  Botox and antiwrinkle injections are rare.

Meet your practitioner:

Dermal Fillers and Wrinkle Fillers Leicester & Leicestershire


Working out of Glen dental, Leicester, Lina is dedicated to helping her patients achieve beautiful and healthy smiles. She gets a tremendous amount of satisfaction from seeing patients feel more confident about themselves and their smiles. She feels it is really important to listen to her patients and work with them to find a solution to their problems which meets their individual needs whether they want routine preventative dental care, smile makeovers or facial rejuvenation.

Shrik Kotecha
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