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8 Point Face Lift

Feel refreshed and rejuvenated without surgery

Want to look refreshed and rejuvenated and don’t want to invest money in expensive surgical procedures with our 8 point face lift? Dr Lina Kotecha can provide non-surgical procedures to enhance and refresh your natural look with minimal recovery time!

The 8 Point Face Lift is a volumising and lifting facial treatment. This popular treatment uses dermal fillers to enhance and discreetly lift the face for a total rejuvenating effect.

Benefits of the 8 Point Face Lift

  • Non-surgical face lift that it is safe, gentle and quick
  • Improves the appearance of facial lines and reduces jowls
  • Replenishes lost skin volume resulting in refreshed and rejuvenated skin
  • Can be used to reshape the face and correct irregularities
  • Provides natural-looking results
  • Results can last up to 18 months
  • Your filler injections will be administered by Dr. Lina Kotecha; an experienced cosmetic dentist and treatment practitioner
  • FREE, no-obligation initial consultation

Treatment Overview*

  • Procedure Time

    1 hour

  • Back To Work

    24 hours

  • Anaesthetic


  • Full Recovery

    48-72 hours

  • Sensitivity Period

    24 hours

  • Duration Of Results

    12 - 18 months

  • Risks & Complications

    Asymmetry, infection, bruising/swelling

*individual results and reactions may vary


“Your Essential Guide to Facial Aesthetics & Healthy, Vibrant Looking Skin” – Find out:

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  • Our bonus content – “5 easy tips to great skin”
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Faces By Lina at Glen Dental

The 8 Point Face Lift, also known as The Liquid Face Lift is a specialised volumising and lifting facial treatment, sometimes referred to as a non-surgical facelift. This highly popular treatment uses dermal fillers to enhance and discreetly lift the face for a total rejuvenating effect.

The 8 Point Face Lift works by targeting key areas of the mid-facial region to lift, contour and revitalise the whole mid-face and lower face. This in turn aids in restoring the natural, curved contours of the face in a much more discreet and natural way.

Free facial analysis consultations at Glen Dental

We offer a free consultation for facial aesthetics, so, if you are considering this treatment with Dr. Lina Kotecha and would like to find out more, please call us on 0116 2593386 today to book.

Depending on the aesthetic harmony of your face, the 8 Point Face Lift can be used to:

  • Give the entire mid and lower face a natural but noticeable lift
  • Replenish and restores volume in the cheeks
  • Lift the corners of the mouth and volumises the lips
  • Soften the nose-to-mouth lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Open and brighten the eyes by lifting the brow and area under the eye
  • Firm the jaw line and jowl area
  • Correct and improve facial symmetry
  • Lift the neck and define the jaw line
8 Point Face Lift | Glen Dental Leicester & Leicestershire

Mid/Lower Face | Dermal Fillers Leicester & Leicestershire


Mid/Lower Face | Dermal Fillers Leicester & Leicestershire


8 Point Face Lift | Glen Dental Leicester & Leicestershire


8 Point Face Lift | Glen Dental Leicester & Leicestershire



  • What can a Face Lift used for?

    The 8 Point Face Lift is a bespoke treatment designed according to your individual needs and facial symmetry following a facial consultation/analysis by Dr. Lina Kotecha at Glen Dental. It is mainly used in the mid-facial region to lift the area under the eyes, the jowls and curves of the mouth. The eyes can be opened up and in the cheeks and the temples regions, a natural shape can be restored. In addition, bumps on the nose can be smoothed and the chin and jaw-line can be softened.

  • How does The 8 Point Face Lift work?

    A younger, fresher look is achieved by using advanced dermal fillers which are precisely placed to lift and contour specific facial areas. The most commonly used fillers used are Restylane and Juvederm. Treatment results can last between 1 and 2 years. This procedure is commonly combined with (Azzalure) for an even smoother correction and longer lasting rejuvenated look.

  • What does an 8 Point Face Lift involve?

    Dr Lina Kotecha begins the treatment by applying a cream containing a topical anaesthetic across the face, followed by a series of small injections. The 8 Point Face Lift uses a range of dermal fillers and botulinum toxin to achieve the desired effect. These can be administered to specific areas of the face (like the cheeks or under the eyes) or to your face as a whole, depending on your individual requirements.

    It is a relatively simple procedure with minimal downtime and without the costs of expensive surgery.

  • What are the results?

    After the treatment, you will achieve a rejuvenated facial appearance. Your overall appearance will be much more refreshed and your facial features will be noticeably lifted.

    The 8 Point Face Lift can also be used on specific areas of the face which include:

    • Lifting the corners of the mouth and volumising the lips
    • Replenishing and lifting volume in the cheeks
    • Opening and brightening the eyes by lifting the brow and area under the eye
    • Correcting the jowls
    • Correcting and improving facial symmetry
    • Lifting the neck and defining the jaw line
    • A subtle lift of facial features from the forehead to jaw regions
  • Are there any side effects to the Face Lift?

    Patients can sometimes experience a burning sensation when the injection is administered but this should pass quickly. Some patients suffer from swelling and redness; this is a temporary reaction and will usually subside shortly after the procedure.

  • Disadvantages to the Face Lift

    The 8 Point Face Lift is not suitable for pregnant/breastfeeding women or anyone who suffers from severe allergies.

    Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at your face to face consultation.

    Please note: Any injectable procedure will only be undertaken after your face to face consultation with Dr. Lina Kotecha, during which a full assessment will be carried out and full list of cautions and contraindications discussed.

  • 8 Point Face Lift Aftercare

    • Refrain from touching, rubbing or massaging the filled area for six hours after your treatment is complete
    • Avoid exposing the filled area to extremely high or low temperatures
    • Be careful whilst washing the filled area of your face