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Wrinkle Reduction Consultations

Tighten your skin at Glen Dental

Do you want to soften lines and wrinkles without looking unnatural? Dr Lina Kotecha places anti-wrinkle reduction injections, often simply call Botox to avoid this unnatural look and does so by not over-treating and so maintaining some natural looking movement whilst still softening lines.

Note, Botox is a prescription only medicine (POM) and therefore can only be prescribed after a detailed facial aesthetic consultation with a qualified practitioner.

Wrinkle Reduction Injections like Botox are the UK’s most popular cosmetic treatment for the removal of wrinkles. Combining a quick procedure with undeniable results that relaxes the muscles of facial expression, wrinkles are made less visible, resulting in a more natural and rejuvenated look.

Benefits of Wrinkle Reduction Injections

  • Smoothes wrinkles and erases fine lines
  • Your treatment will be performed by Dr. Lina Kotecha who has had extensive training in administering wrinkle reduction injections
  • Lina Kotecha can adjust the amount of wrinkle reduction injection placed to prevent the ‘frozen’ look
  • Non-invasive, with no downtime
  • The skin will be visibly firmer and your appearance will be more refreshed and rejuvenated
  • The treatment reduces the appearance of forehead lines, smile lines/crow’s feet and marionette lines.
  • Wrinkle reduction injections help reduce gummy smiles and excessive sweating (hyperhydrosis)

Treatment Overview *

  • Procedure Time:

    30 minutes

  • Back To Work:


  • Anaesthetic:

    No anaesthetic necessary

  • Full Recovery:

    24 hours

  • Sensitivity Period:

    1 -2 hours

  • Duration Of Results:

    3-4 months

  • Risks & complications

    Infection, bruises, drooping brow, allergic reactions (e.g. swelling)

*individual results and reactions may vary


“Your Essential Guide to Facial Aesthetics & Healthy, Vibrant Looking Skin” – Find out:

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  • Your options and choices for treatment
  • Are you suitable for treatment?
  • Do treatment results differ?
  • Our bonus content – “5 easy tips to great skin”
  • Plus lots more…

Faces By Lina at Glen Dental

Wrinkle reduction injections are commonly referred to as ‘Botox ®’, short for Botulinum toxin (BTX).

BTX is a purified form of a naturally occurring protein which temporarily prevents muscles in the treated area from contracting and creating wrinkles. This then causes the muscles of the face to relax, consequently smoothing out wrinkles.

Baby Botox ®

Gone are the days of the frozen or the surprised BTX look and the recent trend has definitely moved towards the more natural look. Dr. Lina Kotecha through her unrivalled experience with BTX, can alter the amount of BTX placed, called ‘Baby BTX” treatments, which can achieve great results with an even more natural feel.

So, what is “Baby BTX” exactly?

Baby BTX is a term which was first coined in the USA, and it was in part because of Martin Scorsese the movie director, who complained that too many of his actresses were “frozen” and unable to act. Many of these actresses started seeking BTX treatments which work, are more natural and wear off more quickly in time for their next part on the big screen.

The Baby BTX treatments involve tiny doses of BTX which are injected into the usual areas. The results are still very similar to when normal doses are given, but more movement is present and it does wear off more quickly. The patient may have to return for the next treatment after 2 months but in time however even with Baby BTX, the results will last a lot longer.

Baby BTX basically gives our patients the choice. If they want the normal dose treatment, Dr. Lina Kotecha will use her unique techniques do achieve very effective, long lasting but still very natural results without the frozen look. Baby BTX, however, can be used for those patients who want to be even more minimal and more natural, or those who just don’t want it to last too long.

Wrinkle reduction injections can be used for:

  • for anti-ageing treatments – to soften lines and wrinkles
  • for brow and jowl lifting
  • to help with teeth clenching and grinding
  • to relax the upper lip in the case of a high smile line (‘gummy smile’)
  • to reduce fine lines (smoker’s lines) around the mouth
  • in cases of excess sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  • to slim the lower face
  • in conjunction with dermal fillers for a non-surgical face lift

Free facial analysis consultations at Glen Dental

We offer a free consultation for facial aesthetics, so, if you are considering this treatment with Dr. Lina Kotecha and would like to find out more,

At Faces By Lina we always offer a free consultation to enable us to tailor treatment to our patients needs and to answer any questions you may have. Book today by calling us on 0116 2593386.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections | Dermal Fillers Leicester & Leicestershire


Anti-Wrinkle Injections | Dermal Fillers Leicester & Leicestershire




Anti-Wrinkle Injections | Dermal Fillers Leicester & Leicestershire


Anti-Wrinkle Injections | Dermal Fillers Leicester & Leicestershire


Before facial slimming with wrinkle reduction injections

After facial slimming with wrinkle reduction injections


  • How does it work?

    It works by reversibly targeting the small muscles of the face and damping down their contraction, thus softening lines and wrinkles. It also works in a similar way on sweat glands to stop the production of sweat.

  • What does it involve?

    The treatment involves injecting small quantities of BTX into the muscles which are causing your lines/wrinkles. The injection process itself will only take several minutes. The product used by Dr Lina Kotecha at Glen Dental is Azzalure® (Galderma) which is one of the few FDA approved botulinum toxins on the market. It has been adapted from Dysport® which has a 20-year long history of product consistency and safety.

  • When will it start working and how long does it last?

    It usually takes two weeks for the effects of BTX to be fully appreciated, but you will notice the first changes after four to five days. The effects usually last three to four months depending on your response, but following repeat treatments the effects may last for longer. It is not immediately reversible but always gradually wears off.

  • Is the procedure painful?

    The treatment performed by Dr. Lina Kotecha consists of a small number of tiny injections, given with a minimum of discomfort to the targeted muscles causing them to relax. There may be a small amount of swelling and redness in the injection sites afterwards but this generally settles very quickly.

  • I don't want a frozen face!

    Botulinum toxin has had a bad reputation in the past for producing the ‘frozen face’ look. Dr Lina Kotecha is very keen to avoid this unnatural look and does so by not over-treating and so maintaining some natural looking movement whilst softening lines. The beauty of wrinkle reduction injections is that it shouldn’t be obvious to people that you have had treatment – only that you look rested and fresh.

  • Cautions/ Contraindications

    You should not have this treatment if:

    • The injection site is infected
    • You are allergic to any of the ingredients
    • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
    • You have a neuromuscular disorder (e.g. myasthenia gravis).

    Full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at face to face consultation.

    Please note: Any BTX procedure will only be undertaken after your face to face consultation with Dr. Lina Kotecha during which a full assessment will be carried out and a full list of cautions and contraindications discussed.

  • What are the possible side effects?

    Most side effects are short-lived and mild, the most common being mild bruising to the site of the injection. Some patients also report mild headaches shortly after the treatment, but these usually subside within 24 hours.

  • Are wrinkle reduction injections safe?

    Yes, as long as you are medically suitable, it is extremely safe.

  • What happens after treatment?

    You may have redness and swelling for 1-2 hours after the treatment. You can carry on with your day as normal, although we advise that you avoid strenuous activity/saunas/other facial treatments for up to 24 hours.

  • Aftercare

    • Refrain from touching, rubbing or massaging the filled area for six hours after your treatment is complete
    • Avoid exposing the treated area to extremely high or low temperatures
    • Be careful whilst washing the treated area of your face
  • Treatment Price

    From £200

    Glen Dental offers wrinkle reduction injections to patients from Oadby, Wigston, Kibworth, Fleckney, Great Glen, Evington, Thurnby, Leicester, Market Harborough, and Oakham