11 Stretton Court,
Stretton Road, Great Glen,
Leicester LE8 9HB
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Dental Hygiene/ Great Gum Health

Helping you maintain a healthy mouth for life

Visiting our hygienist/therapist in Leicester is an essential part of good dental care. When you come for a regular hygienist appointment, our hygienist/therapist will work together with you to make sure that you have a comfortable and healthy mouth. This joint approach can help you tackle problems such as bad breath, bleeding gums, sensitivity, and much more, as well as prevent problems before they occur. They can also give you and your family the skills and the confidence to make a real difference to the health of your mouths.


  • Enjoy fresher breath and a brighter smile
  • Reduce your risk of gum disease and bleeding gums
  • Enjoy more secure teeth, reducing the chance of loose or drifting teeth
  • Minimised risk of tooth loss
  • Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and need for fillings
  • Preventive advice to prevent future problems

Dental hygiene treatment is delivered by a specially trained dental hygienist/therapist at Glen Dental who will help to remove any hard-to-reach plaque from your teeth that may have built up over time. Here is what you can expect from a hygiene appointment:

  •  Your teeth and gums will be assessed to determine theamount of plaqueremoval you will need and risk factors will be highlighted.
  • Your teeth will be professionally cleaned with specialequipment and pastes.This process is also known as scaling and polishing.
  • The hygienist’s role is to show you how to look after your teeth so that they remain free from plaque in the future. You will be advised on the best tooth brushing technique and given tips on flossing and using interdental brushes.

Dental hygiene at our practice also functions preventatively to treat gum disease and bad breath. If you have a bridge, denture, orthodontic treatment or a dental implant you will have specific hygiene needs that the hygienist will be able to assist you with.

It is recommended that you come in for regular hygiene appointments to ensure your mouth stays clean and healthy.

Great Gum Health

Helping you to enjoy fresher breath and a brighter smile

Your gums are like cushions for your teeth; they surround the tooth from its crown to its root in the jaw and help to support a healthy mouth. Looking after your gums is just as important as looking after your teeth, and without routine cleaning gum disease can occur. These are the stages of gum disease:

  1. Red and swollen gums that bleed when you brush them are a sign of a type of gum disease, gingivitis.
  2. When gingivitis is left untreated it can develop further into a type of infection known as periodontitis, which affects the entire area surrounding the tooth, causing discomfort and difficulty when eating.
  3. Eventually this kind of infection can lead to tooth loss and may require invasive procedures to replace the missing tooth.

Fortunately, this can be avoided by attending regular hygiene check-ups at Glen Dental in Leicester and maintaining a good daily hygiene routine. Brushing between the teeth, flossing and replacing your toothbrush every three months will also benefit your gum health.

Life benefits

  • Enjoy fresher breath and a brighter smile
  • Reduce your risk of gum disease and bleeding gums
  • Enjoy more secure teeth, reducing the chance of loose or drifting teeth
  • Minimised risk of tooth loss
  • Reduced risk of developing tooth decay and need for fillings
  • Preventive advice to prevent future problems


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    Fresh Breath

    Giving you the confidence of a healthy mouth

    Bad breath is a very common problem and there are many different causes. Bad breath can be improved by following a daily oral hygiene regime and cutting down on sugary foods and drinks. Regular trips to the hygienist will also ensure your plaque levels are kept under control. Causes of bad breath include:

    • Chronic bad breath usually has an underlying medical cause such as throat, nose or lung infections and sinusitis, bronchitis, gastro-intestinal conditions or diabetes.
    • Poor dental hygiene. Without regular brushing and flossing, bacteria and bits of food can get trapped in between your teeth, which release an unpleasant odour after some time.
    • Smoking.
    • Consuming strong, odorous foods like garlic, onions and coffee.

    Life benefits

    • Fresh breath gives you confidence in social situations.
    • Indicates good oral health and clean teeth.
    • Healthy gums.

    If you are aware that your breath is not as fresh as you would like it to be, make an appointment with the hygienist for some advice and assistance.